This is a service to repair/reset your air bag control module. After a vehicle has been in an accident, the airbag module needs to be reset (cleared of hard crash codes) in order for the SRS/Airbag System to function properly again.
Your module will be reset and shipped back to you within 1-2 days of us receiving it.
All SRS Modules can be reset,
except if they have been damaged in a flood,
fire or any other rare electrical malfunction.
- Avalanche --- 2013+
- Aveo --- 2004+
- Cobalt --- 2005+
- Colorado --- 2013+
- Cruze --- 2010+
- Equinox --- 2007+
- Express --- 2012+
- HHR --- 2006+
- Impala --- 2006+
- Malibu --- 2004+
- Silverado --- 2012+
- Spark --- 2013+
- Suburban --- 2012+
- Tahoe --- 2012+
- Treverse --- 2009+
- Acadia --- 2008+
- Sierra --- 2013+
- Yukon --- 2013+
We Guarantee that we will:
Erase all Hard Crash Codes that are stored during an accident.
We do not guarantee that your light will go away
If your light is on upon installation of the module then you may have other faults such as a blown seat-belt (just because it is working doesn't mean that it isn't internally blown). To determine why the light is on you will need to get it properly diagnosed with a good scanner capable of reading and erasing SRS fault codes.
(we are not responsible for any diagnostic charges)
Money Back Guarantee terms
If for some reason there are still crash codes stored on the module after our reset. We will issue you a full refund as long as you provide a diagnostic report with the crash codes.
(we are not responsible for any diagnostic charges)
- What we offer is a reset service, not a part. We do not offer modules for sale.
- You are responsible to package your module in such a way that it will not be damaged. We will be returning your module in the same package.
- Very rarely, there may be modules we cannot reset. In this case, we will mail it back to you and you will receive a full refund.
- If there is a problem with your module once you receive it back, ALWAYS contact us first prior to leaving feedback! We will work hard to resolve any problem.
- The maximum reversal for any purchase or "order" you're placing with us, is equal to the total cost paid to us – Automotive Circuit Solutions. You understand and agree not to pursue any legal action, or personal demand, or any claims of any kind that is greater than the cost you paid to us for the services. We are not responsible for any missing property pertaining to the original contents shipped to us. Including bolts, nuts, screws, wiring harness, plugs, and etc.
Part #'s
23484666 22729009 2272727915071421 10330557 16255791
22711946 15860057 20998389
25927274 22709901 15131390
12210099 09380110 13588103
15172711 96406174 13592892
15192447 25962843 20991636
10310223 15853085 15140711
25823557 09391200 19244545
10370158 15106282 13588100
21992625 15195628 22778138
10310220 22674098 13592409
15814783 15113145 13594406
22626652 10310221 15253582
13589377 20925093 13583431
09383030 22729973 13594402
15073251 22729970 13594413
15071393 09392020 13592407
15130609 15796966 13594404
10305387 22733328 13583342
20919413 22674101 23484665
15892531 15249431 12240200
09384620 25783633 13594407
15071394 15299719 13596602
15199169 10310222 23423606
96654864 15073252 22922716
15733179 09383020 13599654
15080860 10348965 13599656
15071392 09383000 13595566
20921857 15916307 23183542
25990005 22632246 13599651
25823556 15796967 13512417
15835180 22727278 13590215
15768762 15292056 15774758
15071242 15192446 15193269
16257661 15763222 10354722
22674099 15868050 10354931
21992623 15745368 13518030
15289405 13580450 13518019
16258589 15182271 13587445
20777732 13505596 13587452
10381283 12231730 13510817
25938061 16243131 15774759
15130608 15113146 25938063
15130607 25853613 13514460
10370162 13500674 13576629
12208170 22761839 13583340
10348968 15806488 13583784
15905809 13580452 13519373
15141065 13505405 84023178
15222310 16245001 13510398
15192444 15299579 13521205
09370519 10373518 25938064
96425875 15297100 13510401
15865554 15781089 13514458
15192448 10302874 13591242
15834076 13583192 13591967
15057815 22799589 13580198
15106284 13593290 22758118
15825883 13510481 13513517
13575447 13591877 16193440
15745367 13594414 13508939
15131389 15764026 13523927
25924679 10310073 13518660
22733329 96808099 15297097
15768761 15839790 13518034
10348967 15193270 13589833
15905808 19115443 13583786
10345295 15222309 15258766
16254169 12226610 16259731
25803572 13578408 22716759
15789031 09357249 13517442
15103570 10345296 25794808
15057814 15080861 22731562
15745359 20869914 13513553
25783914 12249539 13583290
10326627 25990006 13591287
10354932 15815267 13576627
10310158 13576749 09380090
22626653 13583434 13585615
15192814 13583432 89047249
22632245 25962842 16259665
15258765 25783634 13521207
15839792 09390500 13521040
10310156 10373731 16209195
20924249 15839791 13582688
12231770 20778831 13590214
25867637 22759738 09378215
10348966 15141272 13521217
15196489 12231780 15865555
15815266 20850246 22672054
13505637 10356447 13518021
12227740 25938062 13518051
13505636 15910342 19115475
09383040 12231740 13522066
10345297 13584904 23439652
16231185 13578409 16209206
10331148 22922717 10354721
96808107 13582151 20790112
20995843 12241720 23444788
15299717 13587453 13513516
22672055 10390794 13521220
20777733 13585616 13524224
22729971 13576628 12249619
22729972 15057817 15825881
15913354 22759740 13590225
15297098 13579115 13527774
25853614 13589376 13521045
25871615 22968741 15860058
16207809 20877198 15258764
15176444 13588101 15908873
10330556 12246830 23423696
15821096 13583191 12216369
15763223 13589410 13599647
22627681 15192445 20869916
22729011 13590210 13524223
25783915 13589836 15141066
15763180 13587443 13592737
15249432 13587998 92249274
15196490 16212995 13589412
09378215 13588101 15845926
09380090 13588103 15853085
09380110 13589376 15860057
09383030 13589376 15860058
09390500 13589377 15865554
09391200 13589410 15865555
10302874 13589410 15868050
10310156 13589412 15868051
10310158 135894129 15892530
10310220 13589692 15892531
10310221 13589833 15905808
10310222 13589834 15905809
10310223 13589836 15908873
10331148 135898363 15916307
10345295 13590210 159163071
10345297 13590212 16209195
10348966 13590214 16209206
10348967 13590215 16212295
10354721 13590225 16212985
10356308 13591242 16231185
10356310 13591287 16243131
10356447 13591877 16245001
10370158 13591881 16258589
10370162 13591967 16259665
10373518 13592406 16259685
10381283 13592407 16259695
12216369 13592409 16259731
12231740 13592737 19115443
12231770 13592880 19115475
12241720 13592885 20777732
12249529 13592892 20777733
12249539 13593290 20778831
12249619 13594402 20778832
13500674 135944021 20790112
13505405 13594402 20850246
13505596 13594404 20869914
13505636 13594406 20869916
135056363 13594407 20874982
13505637 13594413 20877198
13507992 13594414 20919413
13508939 13594417 20921857
13510398 13595564 20924249
13510399 13595566 20925093
13510401 13596602 20991636
13510481 13599647 20995843
13510482 13599649 20998389
13510817 13599651 21992622
13512296 13599654 21992623
13512417 1359965413 21992625
13512440 13599654135 21992627
13513516 13599654MC 22626652
13513517 13599656 22627681
13513519 13859410 22632245
13513553 15057814 22632246
13514458 15057815 22672054
135144581 15057816 22672055
13514460 15057817 22674098
1351446013 15071242 22711946
13517431 15071392 22716759
13517433 15071393 227229011
13517436 15071394 22727278
13517442 15073251 22729009
13518019 15073252 22729011
13518021 15080860 22729971
13518024 15080861 22731562
13518030 15106282 22733328
13518034 15106284 22733329
13518051 15113145 22758118
13518660 15113146 22759738
13519373 15130607 22761839
13521040 15130608 22771478
13521042 15130609 22778138
13521043 15140711 22799589
13521045 15141065 22816796
13521205 15172709 22922716
13521207 15172711 22922717
13521217 15176444 22922719
13521220 15182271 22968741
13522066 15192444 23183542
13523927 15192445 23243444
13524223 15192446 23423696
13524224 15192447 23444788
13527774 15192448 23484665
13574893 15192814 25727274
13575447 15193270 25783633
13575448 15195628 25783634
13576627 15196490 25783914
13576628 15199168 25783915
13576629 15199169 25794808
13576749 15249431 25803572
13576750 15249432 25823556
13578320 15258764 25823557
13578321 15258766 25850233
13578408 15292056 25853613
13578409 15297097 25853614
13579115 15297098 25867637
13579116 15297100 25871615
13579916 15299579 25908553
13580450 15299717 25922717
13580451 15299719 25924679
13580452 15745359 25927274
13581598 15745367 25928057
13582151 15763179 25938061
13583191 15763180 25938062
13583192 15763222 25938063
13583340 15768761 25962842
13583342 15774758 25962843
13583431 15774759 25990005
13583432 15781090 3891066D11
13583434 15789031 576628
13583784 15796966 5WY79350
13583786 15796967 5WY82740
13583788 15814783 84023178
13584903 15815266 89047249
13584904 15815267 8917004680
13585615 15821096 92249274
13585616 15825881 94732688
13587443 15825883 96406174
13587445 15834075 96425875
13587452 15834076 96654864
13587453 15835180 96808099
13587998 15839791 96808107
13588100 15839792 988209SE0A
Step 1
After purchase, carefully remove the unit from your vehicle.At this time please take pictures of your unit for your records. (This is to help in the case it gets damaged or scratched up)
Step 2
Securely pack your unit, using a suitable box so that your unit will not get damaged during shipment. Include the following Information:- Your Name
- Return Address
- Contact Phone Number
- Description of Issues with your unit
- Vehicle Year, Make, and Model
- LED COLOR (if you are purchasing a service that includes LEDs)
Step 3
(At Your Expense) Send Your Unit To:Automotive Circuit Solutions
10 Honeysuckle Rd
Marshfield, MO 65706
Step 4.
When we receive the unit. We will inspect, repair and send it back within 24 hours of receiving it.At Automotive Circuit Solutions, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch service and expertise. Here’s why you should choose us:
- Expert Technicians: Our team consists of highly skilled technicians with years of experience in diagnosing and repairing instrument clusters.
- Quality Parts: We use only the highest quality parts to ensure your vehicle’s reliability and longevity.
- Customer Satisfaction: We are committed to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring your complete satisfaction with every repair.
- Affordable Pricing: We offer competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of our services.
- Quick Turnaround: We understand the importance of getting your vehicle back on the road promptly. Our efficient processes ensure a quick turnaround time.
Trust Automotive Circuit Solutions for all your instrument cluster repair needs. We’re here to keep your vehicle running smoothly and safely!
Clearly the best service, I have ever received. The technician that resolve the issue, was performed with pristine robotic surgery. I recommend this company and all the staff to every customer that need module reset and additional services. A 10 star service.
There is a lot of airbag reset companies out there but this one is the best from them all.